Towards an Agile Government, Sept 14 2022

Save The Date and Subscribe Now. On September 14, at “Bomencentrum Nederland” based in Baarn, we organize again a physical event, where we meet each other in a nice environment with good food and drinks. This event brings inspiration with a central theme: The Agile Government.

Marco de Jong and Femke Hille have written a book from their experience at the Police force with the title: “Enterprise agility – An effective transformation based on principles and practices”. The presentation of this book is on the agenda and there is also the opportunity to meet the authors.

Also on the agenda is Hans Moonen. Hans has a history with the Police where he was the Director of Information Services/CIO. Since June 1, 2021, he has been Director of Generic Facilities at the Directorate of Information Provision of the Directorate-General for the Tax Administration at the Ministry of Finance. The PDF of his presentation: 20220914 Presentatie ‘Enterprise Agility bij de Belastingdienst’ 1.1

From the Agile Consortium we have in recent years worked together with government agencies at several events to share experiences from the past. We see many nice movements in this field and also a palpable urgency. We would like to contribute to learning and especially to inspiring each other. The closing session on this day will be an excellent opportunity to learn and inspire also beyond this particular event, as Evelien Roos will give a workshop about Training from the Back of the Room. A PFD (Dutch) with an overview of the speakers and the program is avalailable: Op weg naar de wendbare overheid – programma info 14092022

The event on Wednesday September 14 starts at 1600 (walk-in from 15.30), good food at 1800 and drinks around 20.00.

15.30 Walk-in
16.00 Welcome
16.05 Book launch: ‘Enterprise Agility’ – Marco de Jong & Femke Hille
17.00 Enterprise Agility at Belastingdienst – Hans Moonen
18.00 Good food
19.00 Training from the back of the room – Evelien Acun-Roos
20.00 Drinks

Photo by on Unsplash

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