Totally Agile, July 14 2016, Amsterdam

Topics: International, Enterprise level, Leadership team, Marketing & Communications

This event is totally Agile, bringing you:

  • A preview of the The Agile Alliance AGILE 2016 Conference session

”Can a simple room cause leadership transformation?”

By Peter Noordzij and Ruben Jannink (ING)

  • An international Agile transformation at Enterprise level

“Failure is not an option in Agile transformations”

By Roxana Ceialacu (Metro Systems)

  • An Agile MarComs experience

“Agile in Marketing and Communication”

By Marielle Roozemond (Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences/Agile Communicatie)


16.00: Welcome
16.15 : Can a simple room cause leadership transformation?
17.30: Food and drinks
18.15: Failure is not an option in Agile transformations
19.00: Agile in Marketing and Communications
19.45: Closing and drinks
20.30: Doors close

Location: ING: de Entree

De Entree 201
1101 HG Amsterdam ZO

Agile Consortium Netherlands will open the event at 16.00 and the first session starts at 16.30

Participation is free, registration is closed.

Link to program PDF: Totally Agile event 14072016 Amsterdam PDF1


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