The Impact and Value of Agile, May 23 Bilthoven

Don’t miss this event on friday May 23. Larry Maccherone is presenting ground breaking research on Agile performance metrics. Data derived from 10,000 Agile teams across all industries reveal that:
• dedicating team members doubles productivity and triples quality results
• there are certain levers that will cut your time to market in half
• teams that most aggressively control their simultaneous work in process (WiP) are up to twice as Responsiveness as teams that do not

Last year, Larry and his colleagues did the research to identify a measurement framework that accurately gauges performance along the dimensions of Productivity, Predictability, Quality and Responsiveness. They call it the Software Development Performance Index (SDPI). Larry presented this topic in the largest Agile conference Agile2013, and will present the update in August in Agile2014. You will get a sneak peak on the latest findings, ahead of the Agile world!

Prior to the contribution of Larry, Ben Linders gives an overview of the state of affairs in Agile value creation.

Also Frank Vogelezang takes the stage to shed light on the Financial Return of Agile. Calculating the cost of Agile seems simple, since we are working with steady teams. The risk of that simplicity is that cost becomes the focus of attention. And quite often cost reduction is the next topic. The discussion should not be about cost, but on the financial return, which is the balance of cost and benefit. Maximizing the financial return means focusing on maximizing benefits rather than cutting cost. The biggest benefit of going Agile for all involved parties is trust. That seems to contradict the desire to express results in numbers or fit it into contracts. Trust and financial return can be combined when trust is built up smart and contracts evolve in an Agile manner.

The event is hosted by Inspearit, at their office in Bilthoven, The Netherlands. Participation is free for employees from member organizations of Agile Consortium.


• 14:00 hrs – Doors open and registration
• 14:30 hrs – Welcome (Boardmember Agile Consortium)
• 14.35 hrs – State of Affairs Agile Value creation (Ben Linders)
• 14:45 uur – Impact of Agile Quantified (Larry Maccherone)
• 15:45 uur – The Financial Return of  Agile (Frank Vogelezang)
• 16:30 uur – Wrap up (Boardmember Agile Consortium)
• 16:45 uur – Drinks & Networking


This event has already taken place. Registration is no longer possible.

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