Save the date: Agile Consortium Congress on Scaling Agile, 22 jan 2015, Brussels

Save January 22th 2015 for the Agile Consortium Congress.

Theme of this edition is Scaling Agile.

A growing number of organisations are applying Agile for several years now. They know all about how to make it work on the level of teams. Now they are ready to take the next step and to apply it on larger units; departments or even the organisation as a whole. A lot of questions arise: which scaling model should we use? Are there already best practices from which we can learn?

As an Agile professional you are preparing yourself to add value to this debate. That’s why we are going to great lengths to get the thought leaders in the field of Scaling Agile to Brussels.

We are happy and proud to announce that Mark Lines (DAD) and Dean Leffingwell (SAFe) already confirmed our invitation!  We hope to welcome you too!



More news will follow soon but block this date in your agenda as you don’t want to miss this opportunity!

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