Just like in 2016, ING is hosting one of the satellite events of the AC Belgium conference. On 23-02-2017 you are welcome in Amsterdam to join the live streams of the keynote speakers from Brussels: Boris Gloger, Erwin van Waelegem, Jaap Peters, Niels Pflaeging, James Priest, Patrick Steyaert.
This years theme will focus on Agile in a broader organisational and business context. What we see today in the market is that the bottom-up approach of IT agile practices is changing to cultural transformations where agile values and principles are key. Focusing on enterprise/business agility for which we need new organisational structures. Making the switch from machine-like organisations to continuously changing and improving organisms.
Details on the sessions and the program in Brussel can be found here:http://brussels2017.
Registration is closed