Outlook 2014 – International

Arie van Bennekum lowresDuring one of the first working weeks of the new year, Arie van Bennekum shares his hopes and ambition for Agile Consortium International in 2014. He talks enthusiastically about his trip to Italy: “We had a very lively workshop about the options for a local chapter of the Consortium.” More about the developments in Italy later, first we’d like to know his opinion on developments in the Agile world in general.

A need to share best practices
“On all the continents, well I am not sure about Antarctica, is Agile project management a significant factor in business. I get mails and LinkedIn invitations from all over the world. Agile communities are everywhere due to the immense growth of organizations adapting the Agile philosophy. I guess this growth continues as the market is struggling with traditional problems such as unhappy end users and business stakeholders, and not to mention the enduring struggle to manage time, money and the number of time boxes or sprints in projects. So the need to share best practices on Agile stays and keeps us and other Agile initiatives motivated to work together. This is where Agile has its roots, sharing and innovating.”

“2014 Is the year of joined efforts instead of working in isolated initiatives.”

That’s the reason why Arie van Bennekum seeks to connect more countries (chapters) to Agile Consortium. Every chapter can share, innovate, publish and work on the quality of Agile on a national level with a consciousness of and in conjunction with international developments.

Create a platform
“We need to create a platform with each other to organize events, to start workgroups for innovations, to create and distribute publications. A first step was taken by the renewal of the Agile Consortium website. One website (in English) for all chapters to encourage knowledge exchange. For local communication chapters use newsletters which can be written in any language. There’s a lot to learn from each other.

“In the Netherlands Agile services concentrate around coaching of development teams and creating a friendly environment in which the teams can do their best work. So we have a lot of knowledge around those subjects over here. I notice in many other countries a tendency to create software solutions more and more in an Agile way, so that means the availability of knowledge on the specific Agile shipping processes. “

Eager to join
“There is a lot of enthusiasm in Europe to connect to Agile Consortium. For instance in Italy, where I was two weeks ago, I met with representatives from companies in Rome and Milan. They were very eager to join forces and planned the launch of their chapter in October this year. Also in Poland, where I was in November, the contact takes a more solid turn. I meet them again in the company of nine business representatives to discuss the possibility of establishing a chapter.”

“In Romania we had very promising contacts, but things are quiet at the moment due to circumstances. Maybe in 2014 it will get another boost. In Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg and the Czech Republic there are people who show interest and I am talking with them and the communities they represent to see whether there is a solid foundation to establish a chapter.”
“Why people are enthusiastic to join? I strongly believe it’s because of our unique position in the Agile domain. Agile Consortium is the only non-profit organization that works independent of Agile methods on three tracks simultaneously: innovation, publication and certification.”

Two milestones
“When I am raising my glass of champagne to celebrate on this years’ new year’s eve, I am hoping that we can look back and see two milestones: at least two new chapters for Agile Consortium and a wonderful international Agile internet event to experience the essential exchange of knowledge, tools and products real time across Europe.”

Are you active in an Agile community and interested in the possibilities of becoming a chapter? Contact Arie van Bennekum to arrange a meeting with your community.

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