Event Inviting leadership with Daniel Mezick, March 30 Online

30 MARCH 16:00 – INVITING LEADERSHIP: Invitation-Based Change in the New World of Work

An online event presented by: Daniel Mezick and Marai Kiele

Rapidly accelerating change, driven by technology, is disrupting the world of work and redefining the game of leadership. The successful leaders of today are finding ways to engage the entire workforce and focus the attention of the whole enterprise on higher performance. These leaders are pivoting their style from delegation to invitation.

Inviting Leadership is the way to implement Invitation-Based Change in the new world of work. In this tutorial presentation, we show you how to leverage genuine invitation to engage the workforce, and generate the positive business outcomes that come from self-managed teams. Inviting Leadership is how you do more with less.

By participating this presentation on Inviting Leadership patterns and practices, you will learn how to safely and pragmatically transform your leadership style, and your results:
• Greatly increase employee engagement
• Improve overall business efficiency with self-managed teams
• Attract and retain top talent
• Achieve higher scores in every business outcome you are measuring
• Help your entire organization become more competitive and adaptive
• Build a genuine and lasting environment of continuous improvement
• Scale these business outcomes across the entire enterprise

Inviting Leadership is your leadership road map for achieving genuine and lasting business agility.

Expect a lively presentation with several small-group breakout exercises to practice the skills taught, and confirm your learning. Every participant receives a toolkit of useful takeaway resources in the PDF format.

Daniel Mezick

We welcome Daniel Mezick from the U.S.A. as a guest to the Agile Consortium community. Daniel is an author of several books on organisational change and agile leadership as well as a thought leader in the Open Leadership Network.

His ground breaking work is aimed at anyone who works to create positive agile change in organizations, no matter if you are a Manager, a Scrum Master or Agile Coach, Product Owner, Developer, Marketeer, HR professional, Executive Chief or fulfil any other role from which you can make things better for yourself and everyone else.

Marai Kiele
We also welcome Marai Kiele from Germany, an Open Space facilitator of 18 years and a mentor for genuine leadership. Marai helps teams towards meaningful breakthroughs, with a heart-warming personality as well as the ability to dig to the essence of what makes people tick. During the workshop, Marai will help you discover what you can learn about yourself to make you an even more effective agile change agent. She is co-training and collaborating with Daniel and the Open Leadership Network, and we are very happy to have her as a special guest.

Meeting you

On 30 March our virtual doors open at 15:45. Daniel will kick-off the event at 16:00.

The event will be held through Zoom. Instructions will be given after you register.


You can attend this event at NO COST. We made the choice to make this event free for everyone due to the current crisis.

Registration is mandatory

Registration 17 May - Scrum Values



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