Humanizing the workplace (with Scrum)

What it means to humanize the workplace (with Scrum) – Gunther Verheyen

About this Event

In this session, Gunther Verheyen will share what drives him in his infinite mission. He will share what signs of de-humanization and de-humanized workplaces are. He will introduce how the principles and practices of Scrum can help us in re-humanizing our workplace, and how this will improve the (business) outcomes produced.

Learning Objectives:

What can our attendees expect to take away from the session?

  • How the aspects ‘value’ and ‘people’ are actually tightly interconnected in Scrum
  • How Scrum is a tool to humanize the workplace
  • How humanizing the workplace is the way forward (even from a business perspective)

 Belgium finds The Agile20Reflect Festival a lovely concept to organize a world agile community party. We join the celebration by organizing this special event on Thursday, February 4th, 2021.

Join the celebration – open for everyone!
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