Free ebook on Agile retrospectives available now

New ebook! Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives: A Toolbox of Retrospective Exercises. Get your copy at InfoQ and Leanpub, free of charge.

The authors are Luis Gonçalves and Ben Linders: both active bloggers at and Many readers have told them that they value their blog posts. On the blogs they share experiences on several agile and lean topics including retrospectives.

They explain: “We started thinking about how we could make things easier for our readers, by providing a small book on a specific topic – a book that you can carry with you that has hands-on information that you can use in their daily work. These thoughts led us to produce this book about agile retrospectives.”

With plenty of exercises for your personal retrospective toolbox, Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives will help you to become more proficient in doing retrospectives and to get more out of them.

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