Save the date! 8 February 2024 – Elewijt !
We’re currently working to find the right speakers and activities to bring the conference and theme to life.
If you are interested to be a speaker or workshop facilitator, do not hesitate to contact us.
Join us in getting beyond our agile horizons to lead with vision, inspire teams to higher performance, and explore new businesses in view of building a collective future success.
We probably all have discovered boundaries and limits in our organisations, the frameworks, and
technologies we are using, the processes we have, and the strategies we define and execute.
The conference foresees a comprehensive approach to addressing the challenges and opportunities
of today’s and tomorrow’s business landscape. These challenges and opportunities can be perceived
as horizons for product owners, agile coaches, transformation leads, and business executives.
Beyond horizons can be the countless perspectives, perceptions, and different understandings of
what agile or agility means for individuals, teams, and organisations. Is agile being sold short by
referring to it as a methodology rather than a mindset or organisational culture? Is agile only for IT
teams, or can it help beyond, for the rest of the organisation?
In these challenging times, we all have to broaden our horizons to reinvent ourselves by exploring,
being challenged, and improving beyond where we are today.