Dutch spoken
On Monday May 6, the Agile Consortium is hosting the next meeting of the Working Group on “The Role of the Works Council (OR) in Transitions”. This meeting is intended for transformation leads, Works Council members and other stakeholders.
The company-wide introduction of Agile and DevOps is a major reorganization in which the Works Council must be legally involved. Sometimes these reorganizations go smoothly and a big step is taken toward Business Agility. Often it gets bogged down in yet another attempt.
A complicating factor is that the Works Councils Act (WOR) offers few handles for an OR to keep a grip on Agile/DevOps transformations. The facilitators of this meeting have researched this and will share it with participants. Although no two transformations are the same, practical cases from other organizations are good to use for inspiration.
The research shows that in an Agile/DevOps transformation, the Works Council often steps on the brake pedal but in the interest of employees and the organization it is better to accelerate. A works council as a linking pin between management and employees can help increase support, increase scope and shorten lead time.
The purpose of this working group is to provide a platform for transformation leads and Works Council members to:
– share their experiences about participation processes in transforming organizations
– improve cooperation between transformation leads and works councils in transforming organizations
– further develop the ‘Role of the Works Council in transitions body of knowledge’.
This body of knowledge currently includes:
– the OR Manifesto and its principles, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/eindelijk-een-manifesto-bijbehorende-principes-jan-de-vries
– the buttons and meters for works councils, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/knoppen-en-meters-voor-ondernemingsraden-jan-de-vries
17.00-17.30 walk-in
17.30-18.15 Block 1 Explanation OR Manifesto and genesis from research
18.15-19.00 Meal and networking
19.00-20.00 Block 2 Lean Coffee
20.00-20.30 Block 3 Identification of topics for discussion for upcoming Lean Coffee meetings and conclusion
We apply The Chatham House Rule at the meetings: “participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.”
This meeting is free for members and non-members attending for the first time.
Normal fee for non-members is 50 euros. A no-show fee applies for staying away without cancellation no later than 48 hrs.
Registration May 6 - 2nd OR in Transitie
Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash