Agile master certificate
The Agile Master Certificate is the highest level in the Agile Consortium certification series. It is meant for those who step up their game and work towards agility in the large. And by that we do NOT just mean scaling up on teams, processes and tools. An Agile Masters shows leadership in scaling knowledge, attitude and results.
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A glimpse of what’s coming at you
The journey towards becoming an Agile Master is quite an adventure. Just like with the Agile Practitioner exam you write a synopsis about your experience, results and lessons learned. On top of that, you are expected to obtain honest feedback from people you work with. The End Game consists of a full day of exams with other people who aspire to become Agile Masters.
If you succeed to obtain your certificate, you will be invited to the Agile Master Community. This will enable you to attend regular meetups with other Agile Masters and take the floor at many events where you are invited to inspire others.
How to get on board
To sign up for the Agile Master exam, you need at least 3 years of experience with leading agility in a significantly challenging environment. From the different cases you could elaborate about, you choose one as the main case for the exam.
After you apply for the Agile Master exam, you will have an intake with an Agile Master examiner.
Contact us for more information on the Agile Master exam. Send us an e-mail at info@agileconsortium.nl or call us on +31 (0)342 47 51 53
During the Agile Master assessment, you
will be challenged along these 5 paths:
1. Your vision on Agility
Did you follow others, or do you have your vision on Agility? You can, of course, apply Agile, but do you also have your view, or have tailored Agile to your situation and environment? Alternatively, maybe you bring along new and innovative elements?
2. How you lead change
Have you been able to implement the change yourself, or did you need help from others? Did you have a leading role in the shift, and in what organizational size & complexity? Did you lead the change from scratch or was the change (or part of it) already started? To what extent were you a role model for others? Leading change is also about leading others. Have you lead, inspired, motivated others to play a leading role in the change?
3. Your behavior
What behavior did you display in the change? Passive, active, or proactive? Did you show a variety in style to increase effectiveness? How authentic where you, also in harsher managerial environments? Were you able to change your behavior, and reflect at the moment?
4. The impact you make
What impact have you created — in general, and on the goals set for the change? Also, on a team level, project, program, tribe, or department level? Moreover, on an organizational level? Was your impact the logical result of your actions, or did you profit from initiatives taken by others?
5. The environment you work in
Was the environment multi-team, department, tribe, or organizational level? With a small, medium, or large change delta? What about dependencies, cultural differences, external parties, politics, multiple locations, or countries? If your environment was mainly the (development) team level, this is not the exam for you – have a look at the Agile Practitioner exam instead.
During the final exam day, you will also be observed during:
A. You visionary presentation
With your presentation, you can present a new topic, or you can deepen or innovate an existing topic. Key to both is that it is your vision or idea. Our assessment is based on to what extent we find this topic ‘master worthy,’ and that you inspire us and keep our attention during your presentation.
B. Workshops you participate in
During the day you will participate in two workshops. We will assess this topic on the degree in which you participate in the workshop and help the team to achieve results.