After seven successful Agile Workouts so far we offer you another opportunity to improve your Agile shape. Go for IT!
Embrace the opportunity to participate in a workshop, facilitated by Agile experts and be inspired! We offer the chance to join one of the high quality workshops.
- Agile games, Els Verkaik, Julya van Berkel and Nancy Beers
- Safe city, Remi-Armand Collaris and Brian Teunissen
- Training from the BACK of the Room, Wim Heemskerk and Eddy Bruin
- Conditions for successfully coaching teams, Arjen Uittenbogaard and André van Nieuwenhuizen
17:00 Doors open: Come in and have a drink
17:30 Meet and eat: Meet other Agilists and enjoy dinner
18:30 Select the workshop you want to participate and go for it!
21:00 Inspired when you leave and spread the word
Read more in the PDF leaflet: 8e Agile Workout
Block your agenda for the Agile Workout on February 5th 2020 and register asap via the form below.
Free for members of Agile Consortium. Other participants and no-show without notice: 49 euro ex VAT.