3rd Agile Workout

Written by Raimond Wets

On May 30th the Agile Consortium hosted the 3rd Agile workout at ING in Amsterdam. Approximately 40 Agilists enjoyed the nice atmosphere, the food and drinks and of course the workout. We didn’t change the approach, like the previous Agile workout:

  • Workshops were facilitated by Agile masters and experts
  • Every workshop runs for approximately 2 hours and covers a topic in depth with a balance between a theoretical part and a workout part, the exercises!
  • Participants had to choose one workshop via the “Ren je rot” approach
  • Food and drinks were provided

Thanks to all facilitators we were able to offer 5 different workouts, 4 brand new sessions and the killer session from last workout the SOAP factory. New topics were ‘Agile KATA’, ‘Patterns for Agile Team performance’, ‘Lean start up for more business value of Agile’ and the ‘Agile Master Chef’ (Yes, Chef!).

Some of the participants did get into shape during the previous sessions and wanted to stay in shape. For others it was their first time. We also welcomed some new members of the Agile Consortium. Everybody had an excellent opportunity for networking during dinner and the drinks after the workout.

We thank everybody who made it a great happening and hope to see you next time. If you want to facilitate a session during next workout and want to inspire people on a specific topic, please contact Raimond Wets rwets[@]agileconsortium.nl

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